WTF who let that guy with the beard in Paradise? He is obviously an apostate!
Anders Andersen
JoinedPosts by Anders Andersen
RC 2016 Leaks & Releases
by wifibandit inin an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up....
Evolution is a Fact #37 - Testicles
by cofty intake a look at the back of your tv/entertainment centre.
a mass of power and signal cables connect the various pieces of equipment in very specific ways.
imagine you wanted to switch the locations of your satellite receiver and your dvd player.
Anders Andersen
Reacting to some nonsense a couple posts back:
A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observationand experimentation. Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge.
If you can't even get that right, why bother joining the discussion?
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
Anders Andersen
Perry, please accept the challenge even if it's just to shut Cofty up.
Oh wait. Now is the moment you normally abandon the thread because you know your position has no real foundation whatsoever.
And then in a couple of days you start a new thread spouting nonsense, unwilling to discuss beyond 'you're all wrong. I can't hear you LALALALALALALALALA'
[frustrated mode off]
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
Anders Andersen
How is the average person supposed to know which half is true and which half isn't ?
Perry, are you being intellectually dishonest on purpose, or are you really clueless?
First you present 'research' that support your wring ideas. Then, when actual scientific research is presented that shows you wrong is, you suddenly say research can't be trusted? And you present research to prove research can't be trusted?
Don't you see the logical problem there?
Anyway, the article you linked to is research into the field of medicine. Do you have similar research that actually applies to the fields of biology, genetics, archeology and geology?
Did you hope we wouldn't notice the difference? Or didn't you notice the difference yourself?
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
Anders Andersen
This. Yes.
New DNA Study Confirms Noah
by notsurewheretogo in
amazing read...go on , have a laugh if you want to.. new dna study confirms noah.
by brian thomas, m.s.
Anders Andersen
For those who believe the Bible to be true:
The Bible is not evidence of anything. The Bible is a set of claims.
Just like any other writing.
Yes, even science books and research papers are just claims, not evidence!
So what is the big difference?- The Bible leaves it at just claims. It presents no verifiable evidence to support the claims.
- Scientific writings present evidence: they point to verifiable processes, events, objects, phenomena to show the claims made are not just made up, but have a solid foundation.
Anyone who ever says "evidence found in the Bible" or "evidence found in this science book" doesn't understand the difference between a claim and evidence.
I write a (admittedly short) book. It says: "Send Anders Andersen all your money, and you'll live forever".
You might ask me: how do I know this to be true?
I answer you: Look, the evidence is here in my book! Can't you see?
You: Oh I see now. It's really true! Here's all my money! Yay, eternal life! - The Bible leaves it at just claims. It presents no verifiable evidence to support the claims.
Demon possesion, bunch of crap or?
by raven ini've been using the forum to vent and post a lot more frequently lately as a venting purpose & way to obtain peace of mind with the craziness i've been going through recently as i fade away form the org.
anyways today i'm sitting here at work and thinking to myself about demons... ok i know this sounds crazy but has anyone else out there been traumatized by the thought of demons?
i had a dream the other night, just flat out spooky and i woke and couldn't help but feeling it may have been evil ole' satan and his demons at it again.. i don't want to believe that, (trying not to, & just brushing it under the rug so to speak) but have any of you out there been talked up about demons?
Anders Andersen
On another (general topic) forum I have encountered an active JW while answering JW question in a 'less propaganda, more facts' way.
We started a discussion, which turned into a long, ongoing (and pleasant) conversation about all kinds of topics.
This kind person really wants so save me (his lost brother)...but of course he has trouble swaying an atheist as there is no evidence for God's existence.So he asked me if I would be willing to see some videos that prove demons exist. Because if demons, then angels and God. He was quite hesitant, fearing that I might be pulled into the dark side of demon possession by these videos, or that I would be bullied by them at least.
I expected exorcisms, possessed people, and the like.
What I got was this:
A series of magician performing illusions, edited together with some comments to 'prove' demons did it.
I have painstakingly researched each illusion, gave him thorough analysis how the illusions are (or could be) done, and included the links to where he could buy most of the props needed.
Still he insists that some of the illusions must be done by demons. is the final one, where demons must be doing the changing, or at least slow down time(!). Unfortunately for him, there is a perfectly natural explanation.JW attribute all kinds of perfectly normal events to demons, and the rest to God.
- Scary stuff = demons
- Bad stuff = Satan
- Nice stuff = JW
- Good stuff = Jesus/God
Something bad happens: this proves demons/Satan exist!
Something good happens: this proves God exist!
No arguing with that perfect logic. -
I'm getting disfellowshipped
by raven inhi everyone, a bit of an update here on my continuing disaster of a situation.. (refer to my previous posts for the full story) my mom met with me yesterday for dinner, it was nice.. however, she brought up the fact that because i live with my boyfriend and how everything has gone down, i will be disfellowshipped.. i think the elders basically have enough proof of this.. due to the anonymous tipper (still have no clue who it was, i live in another town 100's of miles away from my old congregation territory), and my mom telling them.
i'm not sure when they will announce it, or if they will contact me prior.. at this point i feel so emotionally dead i don't care- on the other hand, i don't want to be disfellowshipped because i do not want to loose a relationship with my mom.
that is the whole reason i tried fading out.. .
Anders Andersen
Dear raven,
I'm very sorry to hear this is happening to you. It sucks big time. Take your time in processing this.
Be sad. Be angry. Don't act upon these emotions. Don't do or decide anything you can't turn back.
In the end you'll be able to accept that sometimes we are victims of a situation. We can't control what other people do, but we can control our own actions.
Keep your head high. The darkness will disappear...
Big hug.
Anders Andersen
Thanks for sharing. Cult.
Dad tells his daughter she can't live in the house anymore, yet they still spin it as her fault.
At least they are admitting that parents refusing to be in contact with their own children are causing a lot of pain.
I hope this video will go as viral as the anti gay one....but probably it won't..
Help needed: transgender people and other unclear topics
by TeaBiscuit infirst of all, i am not quite sure whether this is the right place to ask my questions.
if this is not really appropriate, please tell me in advance, but i really did not know who to turn to, so i thought why not ask the internet... now, i know many of you are apostates and i'm not really looking for "leave it all behind you" answers, but really for experiences, thoughts and ideas... as well as maybe some verses if you can think of any.. anyway, first things first.
since this is very anonymous and i'd like to keep it that way, i will not give you my name, but still, i think some background info might be helpful.
Anders Andersen
I'm impressed by the way you handle yourself in this discussion, responding to and valueing all input, even when it might contradict your personal convictions.
I have been a true JW for 35 years, and left less than a year ago. My experience is that discussions like this (about subjects that really matter) are not possible with JW. My JW friends almost all go in full denial mode and say 'you are parroting apostates' when any arguments against JW doctrine or policies, the Bible or God are brought up.
I left JW because I found out I have been lied to regarding evolution, and it's impossible to be a JW and question literal creation. It's not even allowed to openly discuss the possibility of evolution being true.
If you value freedom of speech and thought, JW might be an inconvenient choice for a religion (and this is stated as politely as possible).